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Monday, September 30, 2013

Bread goes stale faster in the refrigerator!

It is commonly believed that the reason bread goes stale, is because the bread is losing moisture and drying out because of evaporation - and that is not true. Bread can go stale, and in some cases go stale faster, in a damp environment.
Bread stales the fastest, if kept in temperature just above freezing, meaning that by keeping your bread in the fridge, you are making your bread go stale faster!
The reason people believe bread stays fresh longer when in the fridge is because refrigeration prolongs the process in which bread becomes moldy!
The reason bread goes stale, in the most simple ways to explain the process, is because moisture leaves the starch in bread, and enters into the spaces around the starch. The molecules in bread start to realign themselves as a result causing recrystalisation, which gives bread it's leathery, stale texture!


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