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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Apple's had a design for an "iPhone" since 1983!

The phone was designed for Apple by Hartmut Esslinger, an influential designer who helped make the Apple IIc computer (Apple's first "portable" computer) and later founded Frogdesign.The first iPhone was actually dreamed up in 1983. Forget that silly old touchscreen, this iPhone was a landline with full, all-white handset and a built-in screen controlled with a stylus.
The 1983 iPhone certainly fits in with Esslinger's other designs for Apple. It also foreshadows the touchscreens of both the iPhone and iPad.
The 1983 iPhone is just one of many prototypes buried in Apple's past. There's even a device that looks eerily similar to an iPad.
Despite the phone's age, it actually looks like a cool concept that could easily be updated into a modern consumer product by replacing simple stylus screen with an iPad-like interface.

An ancient Roman gladiator won 107 battles. The average was around 5!

Eventually it became a professional sport complete with managers. Galdiators were an interesting contradiction: they were slaves and prisoners of war, thus seen as the lowest of the low. However, they were also celebrities and even had fangirls.Gladiators are one of those things we immediatly think of when we think of Ancient Rome. Gladiators originally fought during funerals and they grew in popularity from there.
Fame came at a heavy price. Most gladiators, fighting two or three times a year, probably died between the ages of 20 and 30 with somewhere from 5 to 34 fights to their names.
One gladiator, Asteropaeus, notched 107 victories, and exceptional gladiators fought on into their 40's and 50's, sometimes retiring as free men. But these were the exceptions.
When you are good at something, not even death can stop you.

There was an electric car in 1949 that could travel 120 miles on a single charge!

The EOT-47 (prototype) was completed with an independently designed body. It incorporated new ideas such as headlamps that were directly connected to the fender and an alligator style hood.After the war, Tachikawa Airplane Company) diversified into automobiles, building an electric car at a borrowed factory in the town of Kitatamagun Chofu, Tokyo. Since gasoline was rationed in this period and the availability of fuel was low, the company focused on electric vehicles.
The much-awaited ES-47 passenger version was completed in May and named "Tama" after the site of the factory.
The Tama was a 2-door sedan with a top speed of 35 km/h and a maximum range of 65 km on a single charge. The company changed its name to Tokyo Electric Motorcar Co.And continued to release a succession of improved models.
The 1949 model known as the Senior was capable of 200 km on a single charge.


Monday, November 4, 2013

A 46-year-old tracked down and attacked a 13-year-old that killed him too many times in Call of Duty!

Mark Bradford took his playing to that level in 2011. One afternoon, Bradford was playing an acquaintance online in Call of Duty. His opponent was a 13-year-old boy that Bradford knew through the boy's parents.There are those who love video games, and then there are those who are just obsessed to an unhealthy level.
Forty-six year old Bradford was repeatedly beat and taunted by the boy in the video game. Apparently, after being virtually killed on too many times, Bradford lost it.
He left his home, went to where the boy was playing and proceeded to choke him. The boy's mother was able to pull Bradford off her son before he was too badly harmed.
Bradford then left, returned to his home and was soon arrested. He had had previous issues with mental illness and plead guilty to one count of assault.
Bradford said that he didn't know what came over him and has since apologized to the boy.


A bull known as Starbuck has fathered more than 200,000 cows!

Sales of his semen amounted for an astonishing $25 million over his lifetime. This represented about 685,000 doses sold in 45 countries. It was used to father more than 200,000 daughters.If you want your cattle herd to be as productive as possible, you need good bull semen. For a long, long time, that bull was one known as Starbuck.
For 1991 to 1998, his sons or grandsons always toped the LPI list, which is a formula used to determine the quality of cattle.